Tuesday, March 30, 2010


周末去Tahoe滑雪,赶雪季的末班车。(题外话:那天电视上重播《教父》一,发现它竟拍摄于Lake Tahoe!)


第二天,天放晴,阳光明媚,有了前一天新鲜的雪末,滑起来感觉非常好。再次赞一下Sugar Bowl雪场雪季末的“买一张缆车票,免费租雪具和上课”的促销活动。去年也是赶上了同样的好事,上了一节课,把我的滑雪水平从绿道升级到了蓝道上。今年又上了一节课,练习两雪板并行拐弯技术。在课的最后,老师还教了一些倒滑、穿树林、跳雪堆的小技巧,都挺刺激。这次最大的收获是悟到了怎么直腰,身体重心不再习惯性往后坐。腰一直起来,顿觉一切都轻松了许多。T也玩得很激动,尝到了滑雪的乐趣。他生平第二次滑,上了一节课,可以在绿道上用比萨饼脚法转弯(Wedge turning)了。体育锻炼对人有益,除了在运动时身体产生的一些化学分子让人兴奋,还有在你感受到掌握一些新东西时心理上的满足。




Zumba是我的健身房最近退出的一个新的舞蹈健身课。是Salsa和肚皮舞(Belly dancing)的一个组合。节奏感很强,很多扭腰的动作。起初跟不上,也放不开。后来发现,大家在跳时,都盯着老师或镜子中的自己在跳,没人注意我。还有两位老爷爷也美滋滋地跳着。于是我也放松地跳了起来。


Friday, March 19, 2010


Being sick is no fun. Runny nose. Watery eye. I don't sleep well. I cannot meet people. I'm not supposed to go to public places. This spring is tough. People in my lab take turn to be sick. I thought I could get away with it. Yet T can still joke with me. "You miss me so much that you cannot stop crying. That's so sweet", he said on the phone. "Whatever--ah--chee", I replied.

Staying home is interesting. I try to get a lot of sleep. My sleep is shallow and full of dreams, including some dirty ones. People that I haven't met for centuries appear to greet me in my dreams. TV shows became my new best friends. "Ugly Betty" is perfect because it is very light-hearted. I wish that the interior designers for the show could do my place when I have one. Each office space and home is so stylish.

There is this episode in which Betty got an award for her blog. It described how Betty tried to face her "weirdo" past. As an extension of this concept, the question is: Do you acknowledge your background or personality? This episode reminded me of one of my own stories. On one weekend day when I was back in middle school. I wanted to go out with my parents. But I wanted my mom to change her sweater which didn't look that great. She examined me and said sharply, "I'm not going." The air was suddenly awkward. To ease the situation, my dad took me out. I don't remember how my mom and I solved the situation later. I only remember I couldn't enjoy myself while I was out with my dad. I knew I hurt my mom's feelings. My mom is someone who doesn't care about her appearance; but I wanted her to be someone better than her. Now, when I go out with my parents, I don't really care how they look, as long as what they wear is not inappropriate. As Betty said in her speech, and I quote not in the exact words, "it's the weirdo in the past that took me here; I'm not ashamed of her". "And so are you", she said to her audience. Then someone in the audience said, "who said we are weirdos?" People talk about confidence. Maybe the first step is accepting yourself.

Back to my own story, what's interesting is that my mom sometimes seems to be conscious of her look now. For example, she would consider putting on something decently looking when going out. Both of us has made some changes. That's another topic.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


五月底离开三藩市。(习惯了叫San Francisco旧金山,有点历史的味道。但广东人都说三藩市,我也跟着流行一把。)先回北京呆两个多月,去上一个德语班。八月中再回来,搬去洛杉矶。




Monday, March 1, 2010


I finally joined the crew who take protein powder. My excuse is that I'm going to Hawaii. But my coworker, Cheri, pointed it out more straightforwardly, "you just want to be naked." "No, maybe only topless", I said. So now, on the days I work out, I drink a protein shake which has about 20g of protein. But since I almost only do cardio, my chest has been the same as before.

It was T who got me into this protein business. I don't reckon where he picked up this idea originally. He does weights. And his protein powder is more concentrated than mine. So I do see his chest is getting bigger.

My attitude towards myself taking protein powder is mixed. On one hand, I cannot believe I joined the superficial gay trend: Work out, gain muscle, get attention. On the other hand, I got hooked, imaging myself someday to have a great body as the cover models do. Anyway, working out is not a bad thing. Until I got tired of this protein game, let me just enjoy my cardio classes and protein shake.

My diet had been carb based since I was little. My parents' kitchen table was like either steam bread+rice porridge+a vegetable dish or rice+noodle+a veggie dish. Veggie dish could be replaced by a salad or a egg dish. They didn't cook a lot of meat partly because I wasn't a big fan of it and partly because meat was expensive. So in my mind, whenever I miss my parents' cooking, I think of dishes like potato and eggplant, or tomato tofu, or egg and green pepper. The thing about carb based diet was that I got hungry very soon. Even though I ate two big steam breads and a rice porridge for breakfast, I was hungry when it was ten thirty in the morning.

I hadn't really thought about diet structure until I came to California. Here diet and health seems to be such a big thing. Every girl is reading the calorie info about the food they eat. Every girl, like Cheri, is on a diet, forever. You can find diet program on each major TV network everyday. Under influence like this, I learned to pay attention to my diet and gradually tried to switch to the "balanced diet", meaning not just taking carbs but also a fair amount of protein everyday.

According to some articles from internet, I should take about 56g of protein for my weight. Here is an example:

A cup of milk in breakfast: ~10g;

Orange chicken in lunch: ~15g;

Chicken salad for dinner: ~15g;

A yogurt: 6-9g;

Some nuts to make up the rest of the 56g.

Maybe this protein based diet is really working. I don't get hungry that often.

Or, it's just because I believed it has worked?