Saturday, January 23, 2010


The good thing about having my birthday in January is that I only need to do the "summary of my last year and making plans for my new year" thing once. This "recall and look ahead" self-reflection was such a big deal when I was younger, now it's like "eh, another year, whatever".

Nevertheless, 2009 was so fast. Its January was like yesterday. Memories of the pain and disappointment in the first half year and the excitement in the second half year were still so fresh. They were all worth it and they were there for a reason.

Too bad I'm leaving "the city" soon. Having done consecutive interpretation for a couple of meetings recently, I decided to go to a translation and interpretation program in LA this fall. This is always something I want to do but didn't have courage to try.

Now it's the time.

"You'll need to make some decisions when you are 28 and 36", says the book "Secrets of birthdays". It seems it's true. "Wow, that's a big decision, leaving your current field and going into a new one", my roommate said. I don't feel how big it is, it feels very natural and right. And I'm very excited.

It has been raining for over ten days in the city. I used to hate the rain and the inconvenience it brings, like many others. Until about the same time last year, one friend said, "we need the rain to fill our water reservoir; we need water". That totally changed my attitude toward rain. I'm not bothered by it. Instead, I'm grateful.

Sunday, January 3, 2010



这些硬币有新有旧。T和我说,应该先洗一洗,用酒精消消毒,然后再放进册子里。我倒想保持它们的原状,磨损的、有污点的... ...我没有去银行要过新发行的硬币,都是在各种场合搜集到的,Pizza店找钱啦,坐车换零啦,和前室友交换啦等等。有一次作弊,拿了10块钱去洗衣房换零钱的机器上兑硬币,倒是淘到几枚我没有的,可是事后觉得没什么意思,失去了搜集的乐趣。



和T交往五个月了。和一个人交往从来没有这么轻松过。现在很相信一句话:Relationship is all about finding the right person. 以前的困难和drama都是没有碰到合适的人吧。而且好的人和朋友会让你的生活也很顺。这是所谓的人品和气场的作用吧。
